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Thus wrote Alfred Tomatis in 1977, in the first edition of his autobiography "L'oreille et la vie", on page 284:

"My work has been much plagiarized, much plundered, but I harbor no bitterness for it. I would even say that if the counterfeit of the devices I developed could be used to cure more patients, I will applaud the first. What annoys me, what pains me, is that most of the forgers do not just use the ideas of others; they still want to testify to the face of the world of their own genius - like a painter who, wishing to plagiarize the Mona Lisa, would add a big hat and umbrella to it because in his opinion "that's good". As a rule, these scroundrels worked in vain: recording very few therapeutic successes, they did not make a fortune as they hoped. This manifestation of a kind of immanent justice can be explained, once more, by the lack of modesty of the plagiarists, who could not simply reproduce the model purely and simply. Assured to be much smarter than the inventor himself, they wanted to beat him on his own ground. Each time, it is this concern of "improvement", based on a lack of knowledge of the psychophysiological realities, which caused their defeat"


Training course for new therapists in audio-psycho-phonology

Tomatis method (in english)

First Level online

September 2022, 23 - 24 - 25

New dates soon

 time: from 9,00 a. m to 1,00 p. m. and from 3 p. m. to 6,30 p. m.

The training in audio-psycho-phonology according to the Tomatis method is structured on a gradual path of 4 theoretical and practical courses of four-day weekends each (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday), a personal listening training of 70 hours with the Electronic Ear, an Audio Vocal Course of 3 days and a theoretical and practical course of a four-day weekend of deepening and revision of knowledge.


The training is divided into two levels:


The first level which includes the 1st theoretical and practical course lasting 1 week end. It is open to everyone who wishes to learn the principles of the Tomatis method, without necessarily wanting to work with it later.

The first level is a prerequisite to have access to the second level but does not oblige to follow the second level. It can be followed as a course to learn the basis of the method and sensitize to it.


The second level, which includes the next four theoretical and practical courses lasting 2 week ends each, the didactical sessions with the electronic ear and the Audio Vocal Course.


To access the second level students must submit a work project with the method, specifying how they intend to integrate it into their professional activity and which is the reason for choosing the Tomatis method.

A copy of university diplomas is required, as well as a certification of your professional activity in which they intend to integrate the method.


The documentation must be sent by email.


Each application is carefully studied, taking into account the criteria mentioned above.


After following the first level course, called S1, students who have not already done so, begin the personal listening training of 70 hours with the Electronic Ear (Tomatis method) and participate in the first Audio Vocal Course available in the calendar.


The theoretical and practical courses of the second level are called S2, S3, S4, S5, each spread over 2 three-day weekends.


At the end of S4 there will be an evaluation of the acquisition of knowledge and you will receive a certificate of participation, which will allow the purchase, from qualified manufacturers, of the equipment you need for the application of the method, according to the standards left by Dr. Alfred Tomatis.


The course of deepening and revision of knowledge, called S5, will be made within one year from the end of course S4. At the end of S5 you will receive the final certification.


The training will be held by Dr. Concetto Campo, pupil of Alfred Tomatis.


In the spirit of this course it is deemed essential the quality of the training and the personal development of students. So, in addition to the teaching of the theory and practical use of the equipment, the purpose of the training is to address the student on a therapeutic growth path as much as possible in conformity with the thought of Alfred Tomatis.


Dr. Concetto Campo, a psychologist, has been trained to the method by Alfred Tomatis at his Paris training institute in the mid 80s.


Dr. Campo has had with Professor Alfred Tomatis an intense educational attendance and a close working partnership with moments of sharing the profound significance of listening and therapy focused on it. The personal listening training of Dr. Campo was supervised by Alfred Tomatis.


In 1997 Dr. Campo was authorized by Alfred Tomatis to train new therapists.


In recent years many elaborations and personal interpretations of theoretical thinking and practical applications of the Tomatis method have been diffused, as well as equipment that little or nothing has to do with the dispositions left by Tomatis about their construction, calibration and adjustment during the different phases of the listening sessions.


The purpose of our work in training new therapists is the respect of spirit and practice of the method, as Dr. Alfred Tomatis taught us.


Especially, we are free from conflicts of interest. Our training is not aimed at the sale of equipment. We do not teach you the method to sell or rent you equipment of our production.


The training course in audio-psycho-phonology does not issue professional titles; it is intended to teach an educational technique to use in your own professional activity.


The following are the dates of the next courses S1 (3 days) that will take place online:


September 2022:

Friday 23rd – Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th  


Time: from 9,00 a. m to 1,00 p. m. and from 3 p. m. to 6,30 p. m.



The course costs are € 550,00 payable in two installements: € 200,00 when booking the course and € 350,00 at least seven days before the course starts.


€ 495,00 if you pay in a single payment by 9th of September 2022

if you pay after the 9th of September 2022, you pay € 550,00 in a single payment


Click here to book

Click here to get the application form


The dates of the classes S2, S3, S4 and S5 will be fixed after the end of the course S1. They will be agreed with the students who want to follow the full training.


The topics of the first level course:

Tomatis' biography and discoveries

Anatomy and phylogenesis of the ear

The Tomatis effect proven at the Sorbonne in 1957 by prof. Raoul Husson

The Electronic Ear with delay and precession of Alfred Tomatis

Audio-psycho-phonological assessment

- Tomatis Listening test

- Tomatis tree test

- Tomatis family test

- Laterality test

Parameters of listening and interpretation test’s principles:

- Correct Thresholds

- Selectivity

- Distance between the listening curves

- Parallelism between the listening curves

- Symmetry between the listening curves

- Auditory spatialization

- Auditory laterality

Listening analysis and main listening typologies

Listening, posture and body image - the vestibule’s role

Fields of application of the Tomatis method:

- School difficulties, attention, concentration, memory, dyslexia

- Autism

- Anxiety and stress

- Accompaniment during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth

- Application in the field of music: singing and instrument

- Musical listening according Tomatis: parameters

- Integration of foreign languages

- The ethno-phonatory diagrams and the physical-acoustic parameters of different


- Acting and speaking

The five stages of the audio-psycho-phonological training according to Alfred Tomatis

Practice with the electronic ear


Some topics of the second-level course:


Administration of the listening test

Interpretation of the listenin test according to the parameters indicated by Alfred Tomatis

- in the psychological field

- in the pedagogical field

- in music and instrumental field

- in the field of personal growth

Programmation of the sessions

The 5 phases of programming and related adjustments of the Electronic Ear:

- Phase 1 - Sonic return

- Phase 2 - Filterd Sounds

- Phase 3 - Sonic Birth

- Phase 4 - Prelinguistic Stage

- Phase 5 - Language Integration

The sonic supports and their various electronic pretreatments:

- MNF - Non Filtered Music

- MNF ALC - Non Filtered Music reinforced in high frequencies

- MD - Densified Music

- GC - Gregorian Chant

- Songs and texts for active sessions

How to apply the method in the different application domains

Psycho-affective analysis of the different frequency zone

Cognitive aspects dependent on listening skills

Ethnolinguistic listening and neuromuscular and phonatory programming

Dyslexia, language, attention, concentration, memory, hyperactivity

Case studies



In summary, the complete training program includes:

5 theorethical and practical stages of 2 weekends each (10 weekends)

1 AudioVocal Course (1 weekend)

70 hours of sessions with the Electronic Ear


For more information please contact:

 Studio dr. Concetto Campo - Via Quinzano 31 – 37124 Verona

Tel: +39-335-6206275

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